Thermo-Kool Blog

The Chill Zone: Melissa Harrison

Written by Thermo-Kool | Jun 30, 2022 1:37:14 PM

We're continuing our Chill Zone series to introduce everyone to our great team members. This month we spoke with Melissa Harrison. Our Inside Sales Manager, Melissa was recently promoted from a supervisor position and oversees inside sales, drafting, and scheduling departments. Find out a little more about Melissa and where she feels home is for her. 

How Did You End Up In The Foodservice Industry?

I was hired by Thermo-Kool after graduating from the local Junior College where I majored in Drafting & Design Technology. I was originally in the drafting department, but after about six months, they realized I had a flair for communication and moved me to a sales position.

Where Do You See The Industry Headed?

The foodservice industry has taken some hits over the last couple of years like everything else, but I personally think we are going to come out stronger on the other side. We’ve learned to grow and adapt to all of the challenges and changes. I’ve learned over the years that people in the foodservice industry can definitely rely on each other. We will survive and thrive!

What’s Your Favorite Food Or Beverage?

Dr. Pepper Zero. My children think that my veins are filled with Dr. Pepper Zero instead of blood.

Do You Have A Favorite Restaurant?

My mom’s house? Okay, so she doesn’t have a restaurant, but that would be my first choice. Otherwise, I’d say Gecko’s, which is around the corner from our new downtown office. They know what I want when I walk in the door.

What's Your Go-To Order?

Chicken nachos with queso, tomatoes and black olives. Who doesn’t love black olives!?!

What Show Are You Binging Right Now?

The Challenge and any other reality TV competition show my daughter and I can find.  

Do You Cook At Home? If So, What’s Your Favorite Tool Or Appliance?

I don’t cook as much as I did when my children were young. When I do, it is usually with the stovetop or air fryer. Love trying out new ideas I learn from TikTok in my air fryer.

Where's The Coldest Place On Earth You've Ever Been?

I’ve never been anywhere too cold, but I do remember a year in Mississippi when it didn’t get over 0 degrees F one day in December. That was COLD!

In Your Opinion, What's The Best, Obscure Use For A Blast Chiller?

I was fortunate to test one of our small reach-in units and used it to meal prep my family’s Thanksgiving dinner several years ago. All of the Southern foods including dressing, multiple casseroles, and desserts all tasted perfect, and I was able to enjoy the time with my family without being overly stressed or tired! I would recommend it for anyone who meal preps or provides catering services.

What's On Your Bucket List?

To attend a Duran Duran concert, travel to Ireland, and go to the Smithsonian Museum.    

If You Could Describe Thermo-Kool In One Word, What Would It Be?

“Home.” I know it sounds sappy, but I’ve grown up at TK and consider the people here family. They’ve helped to mold me into the woman I am today.  


We hope you enjoyed learning more about our team member Melissa. If you think your foodservice business is ready to become more efficient, click below to find out how to get started!